Methane Solubility Curve

The Methane Solubility Curve


1. Introduction

In order to interpret the degree of saturation of methane in leachate analysed from any particular landfill site, and from that the likely maximum for stripping plant process requirements, it is necessary to hold a basic understanding of the range of potential methane concentrations possible in leachate.

The chart below gives an indication of how the maximum dissolved methane concentration (in distilled water), varies with temperature. Actual concentrations may be found to be less after consideration of the proportion of methane present when compared with the total of other gases present.

Image shows the methane in water solubility curveReference: Yamamoto, S Alcauskas, J B and Crozier, T E (1976). Solubility of methane in distilled water and seawater. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 21, (1), 78-80.

2. Methane Solubility Variations with Temperature and Pressure

For the effect of varying pressure and temperatures and the effect on on methane solubility, refer to the table below.

Dissolved methane emissions from landfill leachates at high elevations above sea level, will also vary.

Image: Methane Solubility TableReference: HSE Contract Research Report No. 49/1993, Continuous Monitoring of Methane in Groundwater, K Lewin and K Bradshaw. WRc PLC, Medmenham Laboratory, Henley Road, Bucks SL7 2HD.
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