Odour Risk Assessment

Odour Risk Assessment


1. Introduction

For new Methane Stripping Plants (MSPs) which will be located close to property, or where the planning authority or Environment Agency request an odour risk assessment, an odour risk assessment should be carried out.

In order to carry out a site specific odour risk assessment it is necessary to mimic as closely as possible the conditions under which the full scale plant will produce a potentially odorous off-gas from the aeration process.
Bubling methane stripping tank

“The offgas vented from a methane stripping plant may give rise to complaints about odours from some leachates unless suitable odour control is provided.”

To do this we use our a trial plant equipment, is set up (as described elsewhere) and run for up to 4 hours.

“The offgas vented from a methane stripping plant may give rise to complaints about odours from some leachates, unless suitable odour control is provided. However, for most leachates there is no significant odour produced during the process.
Methane Stripping Trial Equipment image

2. Running the Trial Equipment to Obtain an Odour Sample

Methane-Stripping-Plant-BubblesThe trial MSP is fed with fresh site leachate, until the off-gas from the plant reaches full strength and steady-state conditions have been accomplished. At this time the air being expelled from the trial will contain a characteristic odour which will be representative of that experienced from the full scale plant.

An air sample is taken which is sent to an odour panel. The odour panel records the test panel’s views on the severity of the odour.

3. Producing the Odour Report

The consultant incorporates the report from the test panel on the impact of the odour, obtained from the odour panel, into an odour risk assessment, based upon the predicted impact of the full scale plant on the sensitive receptors which will have been identified at that site.

The report will include a conclusion which will either demonstrate that no significant odour impact will occur, or if an impact is identified, it will propose ameliorative measures, such as the provision of a suitable odour removing bio-filter.

4. The Odour Report is Submitted to the Permitting Authorities

The report we produce, having been being obtained from an independent consultant, is suitable for submission to the local Environmental Agency, and/or Planning Authority.

5. Conclusion

In all such cases so far, when concerns were raised about the potential for an odour to be produced by a Methane Stripping Plant, this method of Odour Risk Assessment and reporting, has proved to be an effective way to overcome objections.
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